

Heard about Keto but not sure where to start?
You’ve come to the right place.

Unsure if it's right for you?
We are here to answer your questions!

Used to Calorie restriction?
There's a better answer and you need never be hungry again!

Walk with us to your best weight and health.

A slimmer, healthier, happier future is possible for everyone.

Today is the best day to start.

Choose your KetoChoice subscription level, based on the amount of help you need!

Package A

If you just need the basics and a nudge in the right direction but like to do your own research, this package will give you: Two introductory videos, a weekly factsheet covering the basic principles of Keto, a weekly KetoChoice newsletter, Testimonials and quick tips videos and access to our Public Facebook Group for support and encouragement

Choose Package A

Package B

We've done the research for you and presented it in video format! This package explains everything in simple English. Here you'll get all the content from Package A, PLUS a weekly video explaining each topic in more detail AND access to our private Facebook Group for greater privacy

Choose Package B

Package C

We'll hold your hand every step of the way and put together a plan just for you! Here you'll get everything from Package A and B PLUS a personal consultation every month with an expert who will answer your questions and help put together your own individual plan

Choose Package C

Low Carb

This is Step 1 - everyone starts here.
If you are young, reasonably fit and with no autoimmune conditions, this first step may be all you need.
Here you can optimise your health and lose a few pounds, with cleaner, healthier eating.
Learn what’s sabotaging your health and shape and use this knowledge to prevent diseases starting in the future.


Step 2 is for those in not such great shape. Now you can take your improvements to the next level.
Learn how to heal your body with the food you eat and get rid of stubborn weight. Understand Ketosis, Hormesis and all the other tools at your disposal to live your best life.


Step 3 is the final step for those who have a remaining autoimmune condition after being in Ketosis for a while.
Here your individual 'problem foods' are identified and eliminated through a sensible programme to target deep-seated conditions, break through weight stalls - and return you to the best body for your stage of life.

No diet made any difference for me until I followed the KetoChoice programme. I've been able to maintain it long-term, and within 2 years my skin in healthier, my mood is steady and I've reached my target weight (I lost over 6.5 stone). Compared to 2 years ago, I am an entirely new person!

No diet made any difference for me until I followed the KetoChoice programme . . .
See more transformations

What does the KetoChoice programme provide?

Here, your questions about health and weightloss are answered, with the science broken down into plain English and easy to understand steps. Week by week, KetoChoice explains the effect of different foods on your body in straightforward language and helps you put better choices in place to lose unhealthy weight and change your health experience. The KetoChoice community is here to encourage and support your healthy choices. KetoChoice helps you identify what is holding you back, stalling your weightloss or preventing your healing.

  • Find out what foods are sold as healthy but are keeping us fat and sick.
  • Find out how to structure your eating to achieve steady, sustainable, long-lasting results.
  • Find out how to get your immune system working on its second job – repairing bits which aren’t working so well.
  • Find out what conditions can be healed or reversed with KetoChoice.

Let us walk you through the process, taking out the guesswork – and giving you the best chance of success.

Get in touch